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When things are going right, it's easy to have your personal and professional life in alignment. It's pretty easy to feel like your mind, body and spirit are in alignment. We often overlook clues, or even realities, that our lives aren't in alignment when things are rolling right. When things get challenging or aren't working as planned, lack of alignment is hard to hide. It's not far off the perspective that making a lot of money only highlights what someone is - if they are honest and decent that will shine through but if they are sneaking and manipulative that will shine through. When things are working out right, it's easy to fake alignment but when the going gets tough, we can't fake alignment. There is no hiding and the buck stops on us.

As we work through COVID-19 and hiding from excuses and lack of alignment is more difficult, be as proactive as possible in making sure our lives are in alignment. When things get off course, we need to have the hard discussions with others, and ourselves, that help us stay in alignment and grow through hard times. Doing so will make us better on the back end.


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