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America's Infrastructure Needs a Study Hall

I'm not sure who signs off on the report card for America's infrastructure but they should schedule a parent-teacher conference. ASCE's latest infrastructure report card improved slightly from the last one and was the best since 1998 but the average grade for our infrastructure was only a C-. Hardly something to run home and tell someone about. The scariest grades are assigned to our water and power infrastructure - things we can hardly live a day, let alone a few days, without. Drinking water (C-), wastewater (D+) and energy (C-) were some of the worst grades given in the ASCE report. Infrastructure directly contributes the the well being of our economy as well as the physical and psychological well being of each person living in America. Good and bad infrastructure impacts affects all of us. While this isn't great news, we can make things better. If taxpayers and legislators can provide the funding required to improve our infrastructure, we'll build a better America. Better infrastructure will support the well being of people living in America but the dollars spent on infrastructure will help people and businesses several times throughout the construction supply chain. A lot of people will get paid to do their part in building a better America. Once they get paid, they'll pay taxes, buy local products and and spend money on local services. An investment in America's infrastructure is an investment in many businesses, and even more individuals, in and out of the direct construction supply chain. As an American, I think investing in our infrastructure is one of the best things we can do to help all Americans and people living in America.


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