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Company Provided Face Wraps Quickly Ending Up in Same Purgatory as Safety Glasses

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In a best effort to keep workers safe, many construction companies have provided face wraps for use as masks while continuing to work during the COVID-19 conundrum. While well intentioned, they aren't literally effective against the spread of the disease. Whether many construction pros believe masks are ineffective most are wearing them, sort of. Face wraps have quickly become the new safety glasses on jobsites. They can be itchy from the start and down right irritating when sweated in. As a result, construction pros have been removing the wraps from their intended place on their face and have staged them on their necks or on top of their hardhats as is frequently done with safety glasses. Just as everything COVID-19 lags by a couple of weeks or so, industry experts anticipate the number of failures to wear masks will trend upward in the coming weeks. Wanting to do their part, woke construction pros are doing their best to help the construction industry flatten the improperly worn face wrap curve to help flatten the overall COVID-19 infection curve.

They are fighting an uphill battle though. As Summer bears down on everyone several other styles like headband, sahariane, cap and pirate will be become attractive nuisances. When sweat and hardhat comfort become day long battles, face wraps are likely to be repurposed to absorb sweat and make life wearing a hardhat less annoying. If you're looking for ways to repurpose a face wrap in a less annoying and more functional way or are curious what to look for when helping your crew stay safe from regular, as well as, unique COVID-19 hazards download and save the image as your phone's background. This will give less fashionable construction pros a quick guide to reference when trying to figure out exactly what everyone else on the job is doing.

***This was another Fake Construction News article. Stay tuned for more.***


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