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Coronavirus is Just a Medical Term for Kink in the Supply Chain

Jumping on the Coronavirus band wagon a bit here but is it totally shocking that construction is starting to see, and might see severe, impacts as a result of supply chain kinks? Whether we realize it or not, our jobs are full of interconnected supply chains that create multidimensional networks. Poor performance, missed deliveries and delayed milestones for anyone in the project network can have negative impacts on other network members. Unwanted results and issues can propagate throughout the project network and to interconnected networks near the project. One team member’s struggles can quickly become the struggles of everyone on a project. When other team members adjust for impacts on one project, their performance can suffer on another which can trickle into another. Construction pros have been working with and around cost and schedule impacting impacts like Buy American contract provisions, varied tariffs, local stakeholder concerns, natural disasters and sub, supplier & GC goose eggs but nationwide or global scale illnesses are not very common and all but unforeseen.

So what can we do? The same thing we do for any other issue – trouble shoot by evaluating our supply network options and alternatives while maintaining safety and quality and optimizing schedule and cost opportunities. That and we can wash our hands and keep them away from our eyes, nose and mouth. Just like we control risk and do our best to not give our competitors an advantage, we need to do our best to control illness related risk and not give any viral concerns an advantage.


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