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Facts Are up to Interpretation

While there are a few laws of nature that I think almost anyone would agree are facts, most everything else is up to interpretation. On the job, this might include the interpretation of a spec or QC requirement. The client, AE consultant, GC, sub and/or vendor might all have different interpretations of the same facts. Outside of work you can see how obvious this statement is while reading several different articles or news stories. Differences in stories that focus on sports can create some heated but relatively friendly debate. Less fun is major news networks taking the same sound bite (fact) for a story and then giving wildly different interpretations of the reality of that story. On a lighter note, my kids and I are seeing different facts when they claim their rooms are clean when upon a quick pass by inspection, finds that none are even close.

On the jobsite, this means that the better we understand the interpretations of other team members, the better we will be able to get to the information and data that they perceive as fact. When we do that, we can develop and deliver better solutions that most benefit everyone involved.


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