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From Mister Gigafactory to Unemployed

A Tesla rockstar went from Mister Gigafactory to unemployed really fast recently. He had been in charge of all engineering and construction of the gigafactories and had been really successful at it. The cause of his supposed downfall? Unpaid water bills that stopped construction until they were paid. This seems a bit absurd but could be the real reason. Time is money, especially, on projects like gigafactories. Delays can have disastrous impacts. Maybe he had experienced some delays recently and a delay because of a delinquent water bill was the straw that broke the camel's back. It sounds trivial but the water bill could have delayed things more than we know. A process could have been stopped that takes days to restart or maybe a work activity was interrupted that caused quality issues that resulted in rework.

Most recently he had been leading the team building a gigafactory in Germany. In the US is is usually pretty hard to get utilities cutoff even for past due bills. A project would have to be months behind on bills to get shutoff. Maybe utilities in Germany run a tighter ship and caught the US born Mister Gigafactory off guard. Either way, water got shutoff and he lost his job for it. You can check out additional info here.


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