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How Far Would You Go for a Beer Delivery?

Image that came up when "beer delivery" was searched.

As long as construction trailers have existed, stories about getting a beer or two have been told. Most everyone has an interesting story or two. One guy most definitely has us all beat though. To have a beer with neighborhood buddies during the Vietnam War, he packed beer 8,000 miles from New York to Qui Nhon in Vietnam. Most likely the longest beer run ever. It was less about a party and more about making sure soldier friends who were fighting and dying in an unpopular war knew they had friends back home that was thinking about them and cared about them. John "Chick" Donohue didn't take planes, trains and automobiles to get to his buddies on the battle lines but he did take a boat, some helicopter and a few automobile rides to deliver a beer and home grown camaraderie to some of his buddies who were still battling on behalf of The United States.

This story doesn't have much that is directly related to construction but while most of us will never go to the extent that Chick went to take care of some buddies, we can stop by jobsites to check on and help crews with challenging work or in manual operation of a push broom - both will probably be appreciated. We can also bring some much needed and appreciated food or drink during a long or unplanned shift. And because we are in construction we can have the occasional beer with the team, after work of course, although on a tailgate under a bridge you're helping build is way cooler.


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