Who better to reference during a trying and challenging time than Honest Abe? When we aren't quite sure what numbers or who to trust in regards to COVID-19, a little inspiration or guidance from one of the titans of American history can't hurt. I tracked down a few Abraham Lincoln quotes I find most applicable.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.
With the frequent hot takes and media interpretations of events, it might make sense for all of us to do a little more research and focus on what we can actually do to help than ramble on about problems and how others can solve them.
Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.
It doesn't matter what events happen, most of us are able to choose how to respond and feel about them. Work might be a bit awkward for construction pros but most of us still have jobs and paychecks when quite a bit of the country is struggling. Even though we might be struggling, we should endeavor to choose happiness.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
There's a lot of uncertainty being passed around right now. While this makes us uneasy, uncertainty is also a big opportunity. We should do our best to create the future we want when things aren't running like clockwork or as organized as we are used to.
I should note that today was the day that President Lincoln was assassinated at Ford's Theater on April 14th, 1865. He passed away the following day. Prior to his death, he had changed the trajectory of our country. I don't think most of us are living in situations as challenging as Lincoln's but we all have the opportunity to change the world for the better. As construction pros who shape our world's built environment, let's follow Lincoln's lead and do our best to build a better world.