Our industry is tough and full of tough people. We generally don't like to ask for help whether at work or outside of work. Our people are just like everyone else. We have our struggles and stresses. Sometimes we can simply work through it. Sometimes is slows us down a bit. Sometimes it is quite a bit more. If we need help, we need to ask for it. If we can provide help, we need to provide it. At its best it can be a deep dive discussion and emotional release. At its most challenging, it can be life and death. Check out this article from NPR that discusses mental health in construction, what one company is doing to help and what we can do to help more.
NPR article link: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2019/12/12/783300736/a-construction-company-embraces-frank-talk-about-mental-health-to-reduce-suicide
If you need help, reach out. We are a tough industry but we have each other's backs. Let's build each other up and build a better world.