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Millennials Are Unskilled and Too Unproductive to Have Time for Training

Our favorite Superintendent Guy and his crew are back at it again. Both experienced and inexperienced management staff believes the levels above or below them don’t know how to do their job. Guy, his main foreman and Project Manager all think they are doing just fine in their jobs but that the young up and comers need some field training and maybe a shot or two of common sense. The old pros just absolutely know they are unskilled and need additional training. The problem is that young pros are so unproductive that they can’t afford to spend any time away from the work to get better at the work. They are not skilled but too busy to take training to get better.

The young pros, led by millennial hipster River Banks, think they are doing just fine and that the old pros are on the verge of obsolete. In their mind, if the old guys had any leadership skills everything would be just fine. They’re also convinced that if the old guys didn’t leave their laptops on in the evening that they wouldn’t be able to log on and work the next morning. Bottom line, the old guys need training on basic technology. Like most millennials, River and his crew are confident they could handle the job for a day here and there while the old guys get better at technology which is essentially basic life skills for them.

The problem on the jobsite is that everyone thinks that everyone is unskilled in at least something. Some of the crew thinks training is extra valuable where others just don’t see the ROI. Some think there is plenty of time whereas others think there isn’t any to spare. With their perspectives and divide about to boil over, the project team contact HR to see how best to improve everyone’s performance. In a sick turn of events, HR suggested that Guy and his crew of old guys teaches the River and his millennial friends the tricks of the trade while imparting a bit of common sense. HR also suggested that the millennial crew teaches and then guides the old guys on the usage of technology tools in the office and field. HR thinks this plan is a win for everyone involved but the old guys don’t want to take advice from kids and the young guys don’t want to suffer more “abuse” from the old dinosaurs. HR suggested that one lunch and learn a week for each demographic could make a huge difference over time.

Two weeks from now, the first lunch and learns take place. Hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst, HR plans to be on site for the first training sessions to referee the two groups as needed.

***This was another Fake Construction News article. If you liked it, stay tuned for more. If you did not like it, you may take your laughs elsewhere.***


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