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Modified Hard Hat Utilizes Virus Free Air Screen to Keep Construction Pros Safe From Coronavirus

Trip's sketch of his full proof plan to make a hard hat that keep construction pros safe from Coronavirus.

Ever interested in blending accident free safety with an entrepreneurial mindset, Trip Fawl has made a prototype hard hat that keeps workers safe from jobsite hazards, as well as, germs from Coronavirus. After checking out cooling hard hats at work, he went to get a gallon of milk from the local grocery store on his way home. When walking in, he walked through an air screen at the door that helps keep the store’s temperature more consistent and it hit him. He can use this process to keep his crews cool and virus free.

Trip’s taken a commercially available fan powered cooling hard hat and added a HEPA filter and some duct work to it. The HEPA filter removes all nasty viral bugs and the duct work channels the fan generated air to the face of the user. Trip’s modified hart hat blows cooling and virus free air screen down the user’s face. Preparing to keep negative opinions about the awkward looking hard hat from gaining momentum, he plans to sell odor killing HEPA filter performance by showing field staff how it can keep bad coworker BO and gas away.

Never one to think small, Trip plans to sell this hard hat setup to medical providers working on the front lines of the Coronavirus medical treatment teams.

***This was another Fake Construction News article. If you liked it, stay tuned for more. If you did not like it, you may take your laughs elsewhere.***


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