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Multitasking: Working Hard to Fail on Multiple Tasks

Multitasking has been a topic of discussion in trailers and offices for year. Some people believe it is all but required to get things done. The reality is that we almost literally can't do more than one thing at once. At best we can bounce back and forth between several tasks and activities. Fast Company recently shared an article in which three multitasking myths were discussed.

  1. We feel a sense of accomplishment so we believe we are getting a ton done. The reality is that simply because we work on a lot doesn't mean that we are getting a lot done.

  2. We save energy by bouncing from task to task. Shifting from task to task does not conserve energy by refocusing our energy. It's just inefficient.

  3. The more we do it, the better we'll get at it. The truth is that we don't get better over time. Even if we did, do we really want to get better at the wrong thing?

Multitasking is just bad overall. When we intentionally bounce from task to task and work in a scattered manner, we are training our brains to act in that way when we aren't even intentionally multitasking. We unintentionally end up scattered and disorganized.


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