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Writer's pictureEric Vechan, PhD

Project Engineer Caught on Competitor's Jobsite Filming Work Activity

This week a Project Engineer with Revolutionary Constructors was found filming work activities on a competitor's jobsite. Revolutionary Constructors has been listed as the top local company to work for and has consistently built award winning projects for years. The competitor, Bungle Construction has seen better days, filing for bankruptcy earlier this year. Since filing for bankruptcy, they have been trying to negotiate and build their way to positive cash flow and to profit.

Competitors in much different positions, the companies haven't crossed paths in years until this week. A Superintendent for Bungle Construction caught an Engineer for Revolutionary Constructors on his site filming their work. The Super didn't recognize the Engineer but the dead give away was that he was wearing Revolutionary Constructors' PPE. Once caught, the Engineer was cooperative and tried to explain his presence away by stating, "I signed in with the admin in the trailer and I was just observing and filming a sub that is trying to prequalify to work on future jobs for my company. Filming Bungle's self-perform work was incidental to filming the sub." When asked who he works for at Revolutionary, Phil Belichick was identified as his Project Executive. Coincidentally, Phil may be a distant 3rd cousin of the more famous coach. When contacted for this story Phil was short and to the point stating, "The Engineer caught on Bungle's site works for me at Revolutionary. I had no involvement with this. I do not know what he was doing."

Whether Revolutionary Construction was attempting to gather private information on the means and methods Bungle is using is still up for debate. What is not up for debate is that it doesn't currently make sense for a top rated firm to spy on a firm that had failed and is currently on life support to stay in business. Because it seems odd that Revolutionary would send an obvious employee to spy on Bungle, debate has begun on what other motives Revolutionary may have had. Were they attempting to see how the bankruptcy process had impacted Bungle's means and methods? Were they testing spy methods for potential use on higher level competitors? Maybe they wanted to test the Engineer to see how far he would go to help the company succeed. At this time, the authorities have not brought any charges against the engineer or Revolutionary. To sweep the matter under the rug, Bungle has requested a jobsite tour of one of Revolutionary's signature projects that is still under construction.

***This was another Fake Construction News article. Stay tuned for more.***


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