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Be Empathetic: It keeps the chaos and crazies away

The last of the Dark Triad traits is psychopathy – being antisocial, lacking remorse or empathy extreme egotism. Psychopathy could be considered a bit of narcissism and Machiavellianism with no remorse. Really, most of the Dark Triad traits are similar and overlap a bit. If someone is psychopathic, there’s a good chance they are a bit narcissistic and manipulative. Manipulating people and situations to the extreme is hard to do without excessive ego and lack of empathy. The Dark Triad is essentially synergistic awfulness.

To build a Triad of Light that opposes darkness, psychopathy should be replaced with a sense of empathy and peace rooted in reality and reason. We don’t need to read too many books to know the opposites of psychopathy are positive character traits in the trailer. We’ve all worked with some screamers but even they get quiet and a little more calm in high stress situations. This is because reality and reason don’t work well via less positive emotions and activity. Simply put, for success to prevail, reality and reason are required. Reality, reason and empathy will enable leaders to communicate with and understand teammates quickly and clearly. Better understanding will help them pluck the solution out of the chaos and noise that sometimes engulfs projects. Sure, there is a time and place for lighting a fire under someone or a team but that isn’t a long term or continuous solution. The more empathetically we work live and work in the reality of the real world, the more we can build a better world.


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