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Remote Work - The Facebook Model

Can construction pros learn from and build upon new remote work opportunities that Silicon Valley and tech companies are embracing on a greater scale as we work through and beyond work impacts caused by COVID-19? Yes. We can learn from them. Love him or hate him, Mark Zuckerberg laid out several benefits he sees or foresees with remote work. They are surprisingly applicable to our industry and our future.

  • Wider talent pool - top talent can base and work from anywhere with remote work. It seems that our industry is in a perpetual talent war or race. Smart and top notch employers could leverage remote work to win the talent war. There is also potential to increase retention of the best talent.

  • AR and VR will move from the fringes to mainstream - AR and VR is available but not widely used. Development and adoption of these tools will be expedited. They are not only helpful in remote work environments but have huge potential in meeting rooms and on jobsites.

  • Increase diversity and equalize the playing field - for construction this means that means, methods and experience in one part of the country or world can be more easily shared to help deliver the best projects possible. All construction projects are unique but given a wide enough experience or insight pool, the best solutions to problems could be more easily sourced on a global scale.

Our industry is tough and challenging to work in. We often don't take advice well from wise industry veterans, let alone from someone in Silicon Valley. We'd be wise to take what works and make it our own so that our firms can build a better world through COVID-19 and beyond.


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