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Social Distancing: An Introvert's Dream

Probably a picture of an extrovert seeing other people and feeling like they are missing out.

Social distancing is currently discussed on a regular basis and carried out to varying degrees of extreme and effect. Many business leaders are uncomfortable and unsure how they can get things done if they don't work in close proximity to everyone. I'm a bit introverted so I don't see a problem. I can actually get quite a bit of work done on my own and it doesn't bother or stress me out a bit. I even saw a quote recently that commented on how extroverts might feel a bit stressed about being disconnected right now is how introverts feel on a regular basis while trying to conform to business and societal interaction standards.

Regardless of your feelings on social distancing, we are going to be living with it around us for a while so let's make the best of it. We can really focus on ourselves. During this time we can get hyper focused on our jobs and improve our individual productivity. We can even take a little quiet time for ourselves to look inside and do an internal audit on what currently makes us tick, what we can do to make sure our goals and roles are in alignment and make a plan as we move forward at work and in our personal lives. We can't control all things and situations but we can control how we react to them. Our goal should be to make every event something that we leverage for immediate success or learn from to make long term success a reality.


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