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Succession Planning - At All Levels in the Company

A recent article on Construction Executive discussed ways that construction companies can be ready for changes at the executive leadership level. The discussion was great and applicable to executive level but also surprisingly applicable to lower levels of management. The best way to succeed in our current and future roles is to train our replacement. The three steps that were lined out are:

  • Succession planning - at the executive level this includes high level training and mentoring for one or a few people. At the project level, this means mentoring and training but for a broad group of people.

  • Leadership development planning - regardless of the management level this includes identifying and developing the training and mentoring required for everyone to build a better world in their current roles and the roles they get promoted ot in the future.

  • Create tools for knowledge transfer - formalize the knowledge transfer process and memorialize the duties, responsibilities and tricks of the trade in each role.

Given the productivity struggles that our industry faces, it might be wise for us to better prepare middle management and frontline managers. They make daily decisions that make or break project timelines and profitability. Executives can make or break projects and companies but usually do so via long term goals or strategic planning. Executives are only as good as the people on to their team so it would make sense to set people down the chain up for success. This includes people in current roles but also ensuring that the talent pipeline is in place to develop, retain and advance people within their organizations.


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