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Trust Your Team: Disagree and Commit

I'm not a billionaire yet but I am one step closer after reading a Jeff Bezos authored article on Fast Company. In it, he shared a bit on how he makes decisions. The number of decisions he makes in a day are usually less than ten but they are high impact decisions. In addition to healthy habits and analysis, Bezos says that leaders need to "disagree and commit" when it comes to making decisions. We should avoid getting to the point where one side gives in simply because they are tired of arguing. We should talk about things and then disagree and commit if we can't get 100% on board with every aspect of a decision. Sometimes this means leaders ask subordinates to disagree and commit to their idea or solution. Other times, good leaders should disagree and commit to the ideas and solutions of subordinates. Great leaders do this and never say, "I told you so," if things don't work out. We have to know what are people are skilled at and good at then trust their expertise and analysis to make the right call on challenges and proposed solutions.

Now that you know Bezos has to disagree and commit at times when it comes to decision making, you are one step closer to being a billionaire - just like me.


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