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"Unlearn" to Lead and Succeed

How do we evolve and grow throughout our construction careers? According to Barry O'Reilly, we can embrace unlearning:

"the process of letting go of, moving away from, and reframing the mindsets and acquired behaviors that were effective in the past, but now limit our success."

If we are struggling to meet our personal expectations, stuck on a problem, prolong procrastination or just can't figure something out, we may need to unlearn some of our previous thought processes and behaviors. To be successful, we need to constantly let go of what used to work but doesn't anymore, then adapt to the current reality of our career, company or project.

One of the biggest hurdles to unlearning is often ego. In an industry full of confident people with "healthy" levels of ego, this can be a pretty big challenge. To get around this, we need to let go of the common desire to be correct. The worst part according to Mr. O'Reilly's article is that ego is the enemy of self-awareness which hinders the ability to understand unlearning and change is required.

If you'd like to read an entire book on unlearning, you can order it on Amazon.


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