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Writer's pictureEric Vechan, PhD

What is a PhD?

In the academic sense, and most literally, a PhD is a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in a specific discipline. For the Chief Posthole Digger of this site, the PhD was in Civil Engineering and Construction Management. What overarching and broad perspectives do industry and academic professionals hold towards PhD's that stay in the industry? There are a couple and they are discussed below. From the perspective of the construction industry, a PhD qualifies someone to be a posthole digger and not much more. Having a PhD while staying on the industry side of things can feel a bit like limbo - too nerdy for many of the school of hard knocks people and industry veterans but too dirty to fit in with the academic world.

Another interesting acronym is Potential Heavy Drinker. Though nearly impossible to do while earning an actual PhD degree, potentially heavy drinking may occur when the world does not bow at a newly minted PhD's feet.

Back to what is a PhD? A PhD as a person is simply a tool. Each member of a project team is equipped differently. Someone with a PhD is just formally equipped in a unique way. In the right situation, this tool can be invaluable. In other situations, it is just another tool on the wall to look past while chasing, procuring, building and starting up more work.

Check out this link for more random PhD acronyms -


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