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When Is Work Not Working Out?

We've all been there where work isn't working out like planned - where what we signed up for isn't what's happening. Sometimes this is because a company or leadership changed. In other cases, work isn't working because we changed. In a more extreme situations, the entire industry could be struggling or going through change driven by something like a recession. No matter the current reality or cause of tough work times everyone has to do what's best. Company leadership will do what's best for the company and construction pros will do what's best for them. The rub is that what's best for companies and construction pros isn't always in alignment. As long as companies and construction pros perform well, meet expectations and do the right things, nobody is owed anything. Coach K once advised Lebron James with the guidance below when he was considering career and team changes.

"You don’t owe anybody, you owe yourself."

Sometimes change or difficult times require tough decisions. At times, hard decisions by companies or construction pros where separation or moving on is required. When it is, it's never fun. As a construction pro, we help ourselves make the best decision by objectively evaluating our current career situation and outlook. Five key points we should consider are:

  1. Does the company's direction align with ours?

  2. Do we have a mentor?

  3. Does commuting or relocation requirements allow for enough time with loved ones?

  4. Does our company support our professional development?

  5. Depending on our role within the company, are business plans and strategy appropriately shared?

For a full discussion on these points, check out this article by HCRC, a construction recruiting firm.


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