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Work From Home...Is It a Trick?

Depending on where we work, our local government officials may or may not have declared construction an essential service during the COVID-19 work and service restrictions. Even if we legally allowed to work, many construction firms are directing office based employees to work exclusively from home. On the field side, staff based in The Trailer have been working to keep projects going while minimizing potential viral spread on site via altered, rotating and reduced work schedules. If you're like me, hearing first hand to work from home or hearing industry friends tell me they were directed to work from home is a bit awkward or weird. It almost feels like a trick. What's the catch? It isn't uncommon for our industry to expect extra evening or weekend work in the office or in The Trailer even when at home work would work. Regardless of the potential time or inconvenience required to work "on site," working from home is usually viewed skeptically. That is why when many of us were told to work from home whenever possible, if not in all circumstances right now, we were skeptical. At this point in time, work from home is not a trick. It is the reality for many of us for the foreseeable future. Whether we like it or not, it is our current normal. If it is something we like, this is an opportunity to prove ourselves as capable when working at home and to prove our ability when working out of earshot and eyesight of our team members and leaders.


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